Meeting the
Community needs
Affordable safe quality housing for Seniors, disabled, and families.
Greetings From Rice Lake Housing Authority
The Rice Lake Housing Authority provides clean, safe, and affordable housing to low income elderly, disabled, and families within the community.
Board of Commissioners
A five-member Board of Commissioners governs the Rice Lake Housing Authority. The City of Rice Lake appoints the Board members. The commissioners are responsible for setting policy, approving and monitoring the annual budget, and establishing housing administration.
Regular board meetings are held on the second Friday of every month at 8:30 am in the Community Rooms which rotate between Marshall Towers, Red Cedar Village, Riverside Arms and Water's Edge.

The Rice Lake Housing Authority does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sexual orientation, familial status or disability in admission to, or treatment or employment of, its federally-assisted programs or activities.